Fundamentally, the private health sector focuses on the individual whereas the public health system is designed to care for the population as a whole.
This page outline what this means in practice and the differences between Private and Public Obstetrics.
As a private patient with Dr Ahmed Maruid you will receive:
The role of the Public Health system is to ensure that the population as a whole is provided with the best care their budget allows for. Often this care cannot take individual preferences and requests into account.
Patients have to fit in with a system where success is measured in things like "satisfaction ratings", “length of stay” (the shorter the better), “length of waiting lists for surgery” or “length of the waiting list for an appointment”. If you are classed as a non-urgent the benchmark is a 12-month wait for a clinic appointment and a 6 months wait for surgery. Sadly these targets are rarely met. Being in pain or in discomfort does not make your case urgent, it only becomes urgent if you are at risk of complications or death.
Once you get into a clinic you will often wait for hours to be seen. Despite public hospital being staffed by dedicated well-trained individuals, the system they toil under often makes patients feel unwanted and uncared for.
We know because we worked in these clinics and were often frustrated by the inefficiencies and understaffing with no ability to make improvements or changes.
You may feel that the “system” does not care and that no individual takes responsibility for this lack of care. As long as these randomly assigned targets are met, the bureaucrats are happy.
Fortunately, pregnant women get into the system fairly quickly (babies cannot wait that long!) but cannot choose a hospital. You will be sent to the hospital of the catchment area you live in.
In large public hospitals, you will be cared for by teams. It is possible that you will go to your clinic visits and see a different person at every visit and be looked after by several shifts of doctors and midwives during your labour. Handovers will take place to ensure your safety but the personal element is often lost.
It can be very confusing and unsettling for patients, especially when there are complications and plans have to change. When you have a private specialist, they will be responsible for your care and if they are not available, the doctor covering for them will see you and be responsible for your care till your own doctor can see you again.
Front line medical staff in the public system are usually trainees. There are consultants (fully trained specialists) available but they are usually only called when things go wrong.
Everyone has to start somewhere and this is how junior doctors get their experience. Inexperience is an important factor in medical error and public hospitals guard against these by having regular clinical rounds lead by consultants to oversee management and make decisions.
Women are often frustrated by the inability of their immediate carers to make management decisions. For instance, when a complication comes to light after hours they may be asked to wait till the next clinic visit to discuss their future treatment with the team assigned to their care as the staff looking after them either do not have the knowledge or the authority to make those decisions.
Antenatal care is provided through antenatal clinics which usually means long waits in overcrowded spaces where you will be seen by a doctor or a midwife but you will rarely see the same person twice. This makes it very difficult to build a relationship of trust with anyone.
You have to trust the “system” and hope that you can communicate effectively with the people assigned to you. It often means telling your story over and over again.
It is not unusual for a woman to request an induction of labour or even a Caesarean section for personal reasons. This is often not possible in the public system because if they do it for one they have to do it for everyone and the system cannot accommodate that.
The system can only cope with so many inductions or elective caesarean sections.
While this does not mean that we are pro-caesarean section or pro induction. We are pro vaginal birth and believe in as little intervention as possible but you have a choice and we can discuss that with you in an open and honest way so that you can make an informed decision.)
We have an ultrasound at the bedside, this is not available in public clinics. We have the facilities to do colposcopies or insert contraceptive devices (eg Implanon or Mirena) on the day so no need to return later and again wait for hours to get it done.
Currently, the aim in public hospitals in WA is to discharge women within 36 hours after the birth of their first baby and 24 hours after the birth of their second baby. This is medically safe but terrible for women who have just given birth and gives them no time to recover or to learn new mothering skills. It is explained by saying that you are better off recuperating at home and that you will be visited at home by a midwife.
Unfortunately, you cannot schedule these visits and if your baby is asleep or have just finished feeding, there will be little the midwife can do to help you. There are very limited appointments available over weekends.
Private Health Funds pay for women to stay in hospital for 4 days after a normal delivery and 5 days after a caesarean section (and as long as medically needed if there are complications).
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